Silsoe Stride 2024
Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4HR
Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4HR
Join us for the 10th Silsoe Stride 5K, 10K & Children's Fun Run
The Silsoe Stride is set within the magnificent grounds of Wrest Park and neighbouring farmland. This provides for a very scenic race, ideal for runners of all abilities including those new to running, with a gently undulating route.
We are limited to 100 children and 400 senior runners. The 5k is open to walkers and Nordic walkers, but please note that to proceed with the children's races the senior course will close at 11:00am.
There will be a number of children's races at 100m, 500m, and 1,000m depending on numbers and ages.
The Stride is organised by volunteers and groups from the village and all profits are shared to beneficiaries within the village. In 2022 we made a profit of just under £1,600, down compared to the £4,000 in 2019 after a drop in entries due to the Covid-19 status. This has been shared between the Silsoe Village Hall, Silsoe Lower School PTA, Silsoe Pre-school, Silsoe Millennium Green Trust, Silsoe Cricket Club, Silsoe School Football Club, Silsoe Scout Group and Silsoe Carpet Bowls Club. All of these groups were involved in the planning, organising and running of the Stride.
We thank the Burton family for allowing us to race over their private farmland.
We much appreciate the continuing support provided by English Heritage, National Sameday and the Silsoe Sports Centre. We welcome new support from Firelec Controls Ltd.
There is plenty of space for everyone on the Wrest Park playing field and we welcome family groups to spread out.