ATW, originally known as ActiveTrainingWorld, was established in 2011 by James Shipley. James has been a runner and a triathlete since he was 10 years old and in 2011 he entered his first long-distance triathlon event but struggled to find a training plan and advice, eventually finding what he needed spread across multiple websites. Here's where the epiphany happened 'Wouldn't it be cool to have a website where you could enter an event and then have all the training and community in one place?!' That's when baby ActiveTrainingWorld was born.
Starting as a hobby on the side, it was never the intention to organise events full-time or for the website to become a career but fast forward to the current day, ATW's grown and is now the largest multi sport organiser in the UK.
ATW caters for more communities than any other event organiser. ATW organise about 100 events each year including world and European championship triathlon qualifiers, British champs, National champs, para tri, marathons, swim events, canicross and fun runs.
Although ATW has expanded over the years, the community remains the same and the most heard feedback at our events is how welcoming and well-organised the events are. We want everyone to enjoy our events and from the moment someone enters an ATW event we intend to be with them every step of the way!